Take Simple Steps to Younger-Looking Eyes

Take Simple Steps to Younger-Looking Eyes - Joanna Vargas
14270214_m Cover Up According to Allure.com you should look for sunglasses labeled "UV 400," and choose large frames for maximum coverage. I think this is a great idea. Anything that helps block harmful UV rays is bound to keep your skin younger looking, specially the fragile eye area. Apply Sunscreen Before going out each morning use a good sunscreen that is at least 15 SPF. Direct sunlight on the skin is a guarantee "recipe" for quickly aging the eye area as this skin is thin. Use a Moisturizer You can kill two birds with one stone by using a moisturizer that has a built in sunscreen or use a mineral sunscreen that you can use all over your face. I like the Eminence Sun Defense Mineral. It comes in various shades to suit your skin color and they are 30 SPF and water resistant. In my skincare routine I use both, my own moisturizer with sunscreen and the Eminence Sun Defense Mineral. The moisturizer serves a dual purpose as it creates a protective barrier against the environment as well. I can't emphasize enough that you need to use a sunscreen specially now that the summer is in full bloom. You will not only be protecting your skin around the eyes but also preventing hyper-pigmentation in the future. Formulate Beautiful Skin Part of the reason your skin ages is because after 40, skin loses elasticity and thins, which can make you look tired and allow blood vessels to show through, heightening discoloration. Microcurrent facials or LED light therapy treatments can firms and tighten your look and keep your skin bouncy. Exercise and Nutrition According to HouseOfVerona.com, exercising several times a week has been proven to activate a particular molecular pathway that increases the production of collagen in the skin. Although not very scientific, I have noticed that people that exercise regularly look younger than other people their age. Nutrition of course plays a major role as it helps the body synthesize collagen, specifically vitamin C. Eat plenty of fruits that contain it like kiwi, strawberries to help ensure a plumper, crease-free eye area. Shop for superior skincare products NOW at 501 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2011, New York, NY and stop wondering if you can have flawless skin. Don’t live in New York City? BUY online here. Lastly, get the best results from your skin care routine by getting one of our celebrity approved facials and get your best skin ever, NOW and in the future. Call immediately for your appointments at 212.949.2350 and get $50 off your first treatment. P.S Follow us on Facebook or Twitter and if you want essential skin care tips and tricks sign up to our newsletter, bottom of the page under in the box “Sign Up For Updates”.]>>