However, to say that all you need to do is get rid of these situation is silly and out of touch with reality. Life always presents similar situations over and over again because that's life. And if we are prepared for them, by learning from friends, books, your own experience and that of others you'll be far ahead of the curve and will be able to extract yourself from an unpalatable situation long before it materializes.
There are many ways that I like to handle stress once it's here. You can watch a funny movie, my favorite, talk a person that will pose solutions or help you see alternatives, not somebody that will indulge you in just complaining as this can be toxic in itself. Exercise helps a lot, walking in the woods or beach can be very calming.
Another form of relaxation that many spa goers have discovered is getting facials or skin care treatments. Any of the above routines can help of course but this particularly one rejuvenates your skin.
Setting some time aside to
rejuvenate your stressed skin by scheduling a facial at your chosen day spa will revitalize you and give you the energy you need to tackle life better. Additionally, estheticians have become accustomed to seeing faces under stress and can easily spot the troubled areas in your skin that you might need help with.
Recommendations can be made for your skin to nourish it as well as facials, like microcurrent facials, to help you reverse the signs of stress and as a result pre-mature aging due to life circumstances.
Microcurrent facials help erase furrowed brows, frowns and etched facial expressions as a results of stress or just the fact your skin is aging. A lot of body and facial tension will be relieved during the facial and you can expect to be relaxed by the end of the treatment hour.
Also, being more relaxed and in a better state of mind will help you eliminate these things that are normally associated with stress:
#1 Consuming more alcoholic beverages
#2 Eating more sugary foods
#3 Drinking more coffee
#4 Forgetting skincare regimens
#5 Nervously picking and touching skin
#6 Sleeplessness
If any of these six behaviors sound like you, then you are more than likely wearing the effects of them on your skin. And you are officially under stress if all of these apply to you.]>>