LED Light Therapy Can Give You Plumper, Firmer, Younger Loking Skin

LED Light Therapy Can Give You Plumper, Firmer, Younger Loking Skin
LED light bed has been issued Patent No. US 8,425,577, eliminating the patent pending status and becoming a fully patented invention. LightBed As you might know this has been in the burner for quite some time so you could imagine my surprise when I got the good news. All the hard work and research has paid off! I decide to do a newsletter highlighting some key facts about the light bed, why light therapy works and what are its benefits. LED stands for light-emitting-diodes. When you eliminate all of the technical and electrical mumbo jumbo you come up with a simple definition which is basically a light source. When NASA brought this technology to space it did so because of its tighter wavelength, this makes it able to penetrate deeper into the skin or area, low energy requirements, as well as low heat emission and light weight. This is different than other forms of light, like incandescent or fluorescent, in that they produce heat and their light waves have a tendency to disperse. The last nugget of information is a big deal because this is the difference between my LED light bed and others. Some of these beds use fluorescent red bulbs and perhaps they are even able to produce the same wavelength, but they still disperse. This is why LED light therapy is also referred to as Low Level Laser Therapy. However, LED light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that is widely used by dermatologist and skincare professionals because of its results. How it works: Red and infrared light penetrate the skin and once absorbed the cells in the human body use it and convert it into ATP, this is the fuel that powers life on a cellular level. This newly converted cellular energy, stimulates the body’s natural processes on a cellular level, increasing blood flow, allowing the body to receive oxygen and nutrients they need in order to function more effectively. The results for you are anti-aging, accelerated healing and pain relief. The theory is that millions of years ago single cell organisms depended on sunlight as an energy source and today plant cells use light in a similar process called photosynthesis that develops chlorophyll, their fuel for life. As you can see is not a far fetched idea that human cells still have the ability to convert light into energy. Red and infrared wavelengths stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, the building blocks of your skin. The benefits are reduced wrinkles, shrinking pores, and diminishing scars to relieving pain, accelerating healing, and aiding with injuries. A person undergoing light therapy will experience deep relaxation, increase oxygenation and hydration of tissues, expelling of toxins from the body, alleviation of inflammatory conditions, improved appearance of the skin, plumper, firmer and more youthful. Aside from the benefits mentioned above light therapy has even more but I will not write them here as they don’t directly deal with skincare. Shop for superior skincare products NOW at 501 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2011, New York, NY and stop wondering if you can have flawless skin. Don’t live in New York City? BUY online here. Lastly, get the best results from your skin care routine by getting one of our celebrity approved facials and get your best skin ever, NOW and in the future. Call immediately for your appointments at 212.949.2350 and get $50 off your first treatment. P.S Follow us on Facebook or Twitter and if you want essential skin care tips and tricks sign up to our newsletter, bottom of the page under in the box “Sign Up For Updates”.]>>