How LED Light Can Completely Transform Your Skin

At the Joanna Vargas salon in New York City, several different forms of light therapy treatment are offered. The Multivitalight, for example, is a combination of microdermabrasion, oxygen, and LED light therapy, to plump the skin. The Sleeping Beauty treatment offers a combination of microdermabrasion and light therapy to boost skins glow and improve radiance, a treatment that provides results akin to getting the best nights sleep of your life. You can learn more about Joannas other light therapy treatments here. However, if you have other questions about how does LED light therapy actually work? There are different kinds of light therapy, with LED infrared light therapy being the most popular for a youthful glow. These lights reduce the appearance of wrinkles temporarily, soothes sun damaged skin, help your skin retain moisture, smooth your skins overall texture, and leave behind a healthy, lit-from-within glow. In order to understand how the LED light achieves this, you must first understand how it works. LED stands for light emitting diode, which basically means that its a lightbulb that exclusively emits infrared light. In the skin care realm, LED light is administered via a until of small panels, directed at the skin from just a few inches away. Light like this has the ability to penetrate skin on a far deeper level than any tools or products can and with absolutely no discomfort or invasion. LED lights come in different spectrums, including infrared and blue (which helps kill bacteria and subsequently vanquish acne). Besides being completely non-invasive, there are other benefits to incorporating light therapy into your next facial appointment. For starters, the treatments are shorter than the traditional facial (around 20 minutes) making it perfect for the busiest clients who dont have one or more hours to spend at a salon. Secondly, the results are nearly instantaneous clients have reported marked improvement in their skin in as little as two to three days. Finally, theres absolutely zero down time unlike powerful peels or delicate extractions, you dont have to avoid direct sunlight or refrain from using your favorite products at home after your LED light treatments. Simply put, innovations in this kind of technology mean that clients seeking smooth, bright, even skin can achieve it without inconvenience. Following up an LED light treatment with a restorative moisturizer, such as Joanna Vargas Daily Moisturizing Cream, or a protective serum like Joannas Rejuvenation Serum, can completely transform the skin you have into the skin youve always wanted in other words, your skin will literally see the light. To make your appointments in New York City Please Call 212.949.2350 or in Los Angeles please call 310.424.5141. ]>>