Why Veganism Might Be Aging You

Why Veganism Might Be Aging You - Joanna Vargas
Daily Serum and Rejuvenating Serum and saying very nice things that I decided to pick several winners. They are Monika Fiore, Loni Snell and Elizabeth Aguinaldo. Congratulations! On another note. There is a right way to do something, a wrong way and a way that is sort of good. In the next article I will give you my opinion on why being a Vegan can be aging your skin. But this is true of any diet if you don't know how to do it the right way. Also we have a holiday special going on and you can find it on Facebook. To make your appointments call today 212.949.2350. Source: Yahoo.com Veganism's Surprising Skin Effects By: Wendy Schmid beauty_detox The meat-and-dairy-free regimen may compromise your complexion. It’s a Friday afternoon in New York City and slim, black-clad beauties are three-deep waiting for facials at Joanna Vargas Skincare. Some will need more work than others — but not for the reason you may think. Genetics and age aside, the condition of your skin often comes down to nutrition. “Being a vegan can be aging,” says Vargas. “I see 27-year-old vegans who don’t have good elasticity. There’s no snap-back to their skin tone because they’re not getting enough protein.” The fibers that help give skin its ‘snap-back’ resilience, collagen and elastin, are made up of protein, so it makes sense that when you cut eggs, dairy, fish, and meat from your diet you can see the deficiency staring you in the face. “A lot of people eliminate meat and animal products in an effort to be healthier, but you really have to know how to eat right to make being a vegan work for you,” says Susan Blum, MD, MPH, a functional medicine specialist. While mineral deficiencies may also add up to acne, skimping on essential fatty acids and B vitamins can sap radiance, warns Vargas. The good news is that committed vegans can still put their best face forward. Here’s how: 1. Choose substitutes wisely. Skip overly processed and often genetically modified soy ‘meats’ and soy hot dogs (skin pros say they can lead to breakouts) in favor of organic brands of tofu. “Tempeh is a wonderful choice because fermented soybeans are unprocessed. Or try seitan, which is made from wheat,” suggests Blum. 2. Get skin-plumping protein. Blum recommends protein-dense combos at every meal, such as lentils with quinoa, hummus or nut butter with whole-grain crackers, black beans with brown rice, and split pea soup with a whole-grain pita. 3. Limit complexion-sabotaging carbs. Simple, processed carbs break down into sugar in the body, which in turn breaks down collagen and elastin. 4. Banish breakouts with zinc. This mineral is readily available in animal-based foods, but vegans can find it in asparagus, spinach, almonds, and pumpkin seeds. Tip: Toasting nuts and seeds before tossing them on salads will enhance absorption. 5. Maintain moisture with flax. Fend off dry, dull skin by grinding up flax seeds and sprinkling them on veggies and in salads. Bonus: Flax contains zinc and other trace minerals. 6. Make a get-glow shake. Blum “prescribes” this beautifying blend to her vegan patients. You’ll score essential fatty acids, B vitamins, antioxidants, zinc, and plant protein in every sip. Combine and blend these ingredients until smooth: 1 cup hemp or almond milk ¾ cup strawberries banana 1 tbsp ground flax seeds 2 handfuls spinach ½ an avocado 1 scoop pea or artichoke protein Ice (optional)]>>