Why Choose Cucumber For Your Skin And Body

Why Choose Cucumber For Your Skin And Body - Joanna Vargas
reduce dark rings and puffiness around the eyes better than any other remedy. Organic cucumber slices are still the most reliable eye pads, as vintage as this remedy is in the realm of skincare. I once attended a party in California where the host had pitchers of cool cucumber and lemon water she was serving to guests saying how she’d had this same water at a spa in Switzerland. The guests kept commenting on how “refreshing” the cool water was in the summer heat and nodded in approval. As pretentious as the scene was they were right-- it was “refreshing.” Cucumber is that refresher for your body with cooling properties for your skin especially for sunburn and soothing skin after sun exposure in general. Cucumber is the grand provider of silica, a trace mineral, which strengthens the connective tissue that holds skin together. When cucumber is applied directly to the skin, the ascorbic and caffeic acids prevent water retention reducing swelling, blisters and inflammation of the skin. Cucumber is an excellent source of both vitamins and enzymes, essential for cell repair and growth, which will enrich your daily beauty regimen. If you are looking for a powerful antioxidant, organic cucumber is a fine choice for achieving healthy balanced skin. The mineral magnesium found in cucumbers helps to stimulate blood circulation and relax muscles and nerves which is good news for your skin. As a diuretic, cucumber is more than 90 % water and can help reduce toxins in the body and skin as it flushes your system clean. The potassium and manganese minerals that cucumber provides for your diet stabilize blood pressure for better overall health. Summer Snacking One of my favorite snacks for cucumber crunching is simply slicing one organic cucumber and placing it in a bowl of rice vinegar with a sprinkle of sesame seeds on top. It’s the “refreshing” summer snack especially when it’s served chilled. You can add carrots to the mix for sharing with guests. Cucumber and Rosemary Toner Next time you’re headed to the beach grate some organic cucumber, drain the juice (or not) and place it in a spritzer bottle with cool water with a sprig of organic rosemary. It’ll cool you off during the drive to the beach and soothe your skin after a day in the sun. This spritz is also a good toner for your skin. Cucumber and Aloe Vera Mask When you arrive home after fun in the sun try a cucumber mask. Peel and cut ½ organic cucumber and throw it in a blender with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel. You can smooth this cooling concoction onto your face and relax for 30 minutes. Now Your pores can breathe and your skin will be clear with youthful radiance.]>>