When Does Your Skin Start Aging? Hint, Is Not When You Start Seeing Wrinkles
Eliminate This Mistakes And Achieve A Glowing Complexion Source: The BeautyInsiders.com By: Kathy Charles
There is no getting around aging. The process of aging starts in the mid-20s. At this point in time, the elastin begins to weaken and the production of collagen starts to slow down. The signs may not be visible but eventually, you will start to see some fine lines and wrinkles on your face. The million dollar question is, at what age should you start to worry about serious skin care to prevent the physical signs of premature aging? You see, you may be in your early 20s but your skin might be similar to that of a 30 year old-alarming, isn't it? So what causes the skin to lose its youthful glow sooner than usual? Free radicals that include environmental pollutants, sun exposure and stress top the list. But other factors like poor diet, smoking, alcohol, dehydration and use of harsh beauty cosmetics also contribute to skin damage. What to Do? When you are in your early 20s, you do not have to spend tons of cash for anti-aging products, instead, focus on basic skin care. Face-lift and wrinkle creams are not necessary as it is far too early to tinker with your cell growth rate and assertively stimulate the synthesis of collagen in the body. Let out a sigh of relief because daily skin care in your twenties regime is basically fuss-free. Facial Skin Care There are three basic cleansing routine to aid in preventing acne, pimples, dark spots, blackheads, whiteheads, dry skin and other facial skin problems: A cleanser, toner and moisturizer. Avoid using alcohol-based toners, harsh soaps and other drying agents. Choose a reputable and trusted brand to ensure high quality and effectiveness of the product. A weekly exfoliator is also recommended1 for dead skin cells sitting at the skin surface. Take note, however, that exfoliating excessively can worsen the skin condition so exfoliate depending on the sensitivity and type of your skin. Mild exfoliation like table sugar scrub and other natural remedies are the safest o use. Applying a facial mask once a week can also clean the pores and lift deep-seated dirt, leaving you with less oily skin and reduced pore size. Body Skin Care Of course, skin care regime is not only for the face but also for the entire body. Flaunt a smooth, healthy skin by nourishing your skin and pamper it once in a while. Observing sun safety is important, knowing that sun exposure causes 90% of premature aging. Make it a habit to apply sunscreen with SPF 15 and up when going out and steer clear from using the tanning booth! A body scrub is a fabulous way to pamper and cleanse the skin. Skin care in your twenties is a lot simpler and less expensive than skin care regimes of men and women in their 30s and above. Make sure to give your face and body the nourishment needed as this can pay off big in the future. Keep your youthful glow and stay stunning for a longer time. The cosmetic industry currently offers a variety of wrinkle creams from a number of brands. To make the process of selecting a wrinkle cream as simple as possible, we've evaluated each cream on its ability to fulfill our requirements for a quality wrinkle cream. To be specific, we believe that a wrinkle cream should include ingredients that offer antioxidant protection for skin, in order to delay the onset of noticeable aging. At the same time, wrinkle creams should be able to renew skin, typically by containing compounds with collagen-stimulating properties. Additionally, such a cream should improve both the texture and appearance of skin by offering both long term anti-wrinkle benefits and hydrating agents to create smooth, firm skin. Listed below are the top wrinkle creams, according to these important characteristics. To make your appointments at Joanna Vargas Salon, Skin Care Sanctuary Call NOW at 212.949.2350. Sincerely, JOANNA VARGAS Joanna Vargas Skin Care ]>>