Shanghai’s place as a major international trading port gives it a unique place in China’s mammoth terrain. Because of this status, the city has had tremendous access to all the world has to offer in refinery—the best skin care products being no exception. All of
the best facial treatments and organic products you’ll find in major cities around the world are offered 10-fold in Shanghai with health aspiring devotion for jaw-dropping radiance. Then there are the unique Chinese spa facial treatment options found at the best skincare spas that were beautifully exclusive to Shanghai-- until word got around… Marine Protein Facials Since the sea is known as a source of powerful healing with balancing and revitalizing properties, it is no small wonder that Shanghai day spas should offer this magnificent marine facial experience. Marine algae facials are intended to purify, tone and drench the skin in deep hydration using active marine extracts. There are a number of positively natural skin-altering facials that incorporate marine and plant proteins to treat all variety of skin types. Marine extract facials are said to reverse the signs of aging in dull, sluggish, maturing skin. These supreme skin treatments also significantly define contours, reduce inflammation and control the buildup of excess sebum for glowing balance. They are a when used with a workable
skin care routine. Yin Yang or Tai Chi Facials A yin yang facial mask was recently introduced globally, inspired by ancient Chinese philosophy of balance, used in this specific case for unsurpassed skin health. Made of red peonies and bamboo charcoal, the black mask boasts purifying properties and relaxes. The white mask has Bletilla strata, white peony and Virginian truffle extracts that enhance skin’s brilliance as it calms through gentle cleansing. This 2-part facial is believed to embody the balancing elements of yin yang for truly beautiful youthful results. As we journey in search of the best facial experience to achieve improved health of skin we can source some of Shanghai’s ancient wisdom in unrivaled treatments with appeal for modern urban climates. Finally start reaping the benefits of superior skin care today and stop wondering if you can have beautiful skin. Call for your appointments NOW at 212.949.2350 and if you are a first time client
GET $50 off your first treatment. P.S Follow us on Facebook or Twitter and if you want essential skin care tips and tricks sign up to our newsletter, bottom of the page under in the box
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