Skin Care Tips From The Gorgeous Charlize Theron

spa treatments. At 34 years of age she dazzles in her well chosen dynamic roles, unafraid to challenge herself with a script that demands she gain weight. But by the time she hits the red carpet, all the grit and weight have dramatically shed, in favor of undeniably luminous glamor that keeps tongues wagging.
The Beauty Gives Her Tips For Good Skin Would you be surprised to learn she washes her face by dousing with cold water? Charlize claims she’s no fan of “overzealous cleansing.” It’s a low maintenance routine that actually helps shrink pore size. A bit of unconventional beauty advice, perhaps. Ms. Theron doesn’t use makeup remover, but chooses a foaming cleanser that effectively removes her foundation and mascara. She considers herself picky about “the quality and efficiency” of her skin care products, according to a recent Elle Canada interview. Sunscreen is always a good idea: this smart lady chooses an SPF 50 to protect her skin after cleansing in order to create her flawless skin. When she’s not on the job the actress uses minimal makeup, a natural look and makeup trend that was inspired by models like Patti Hansen and Lauren Hutton in the seventies, both are classic California beauties. This allows Charlize’s skin to breath. Her casual look is simply light foundation and some beige eyeliner to brighten her up on dull days. Any plastic surgery? Charlize Theron’s perspective is: well let’s just see how she feels when she’s 54 years old, but for now she’s no judge given the pace of Hollywood. For now the stunning star is loyal to an elixir that offers instant glowing results, but admits that she generally changes her skin care products to keep her skin from becoming bored or “immune.” She must be doing something right conventional or not. For your own personal skin care routine to achieve Charliz Theron’s youthful luminosity, consult with your choice of aesthetician at a reputable day spa. Be sure to also devote time to a home beauty routine to promote the overall wellbeing of your skin. ‘Tis always the season to pamper yourself! Finally start reaping the benefits of superior skin care today and stop wondering if you can have beautiful skin. Call for your appointments NOW at 212.949.2350 and if you are a first time client GET $50 off your first treatment. P.S Follow us on Facebook or Twitter and if you want essential skin care tips and tricks sign up to our newsletter, bottom of the page under in the box “Sign Up For Updates”.>>>