Penelope Cruz Simple Path to Ageless Beauty

What Skincare products does Penelope Cruz use?
How Does Penelope Protect Her Skin? As a mainstay of her skincare regime Penelope uses L’Oreal Skin Genesis Daily Moisturizer SPF 15 Lotion. Because it is loaded with hydrating hyaluronic acid, the lovely actress applies it first so makeup doesn’t accentuate any fine lines. She tells Cosmopolitan, "I always wear moisturizer and sunscreen. Aside from that, I don't get too complicated. I think simple is best. When I'm not working, I don't wear makeup…Your skin needs to breathe," This practical approach to face care prevents sun damage, while deeply nourishing skin without clogging pores. Ms. Vargas agrees with Penelope Cruz, that simple works best, and that if you are only going to do two things then it better be sun protection and to use a moisturizer. This is because as you age, the collagen and elastin in your skin diminishes, leading to a loss of suppleness and the appearance of wrinkles. Moisturizers can help to improve the appearance of the face by smoothing the skin, and sunscreen prevent damage to it. The Beauty Diet for Penelope Cruz? Penelope’s Mediterranean diet loaded with fish and olive oil provides rich fatty acids like Omega 3 and 6. The essential acids are what lead to healthy silken skin without fail. Olive oil is abundant in antioxidants that offer extra protection from environmental factors. It also is that ultra moisturizer used for hair and skin to brighten and otherwise dull appearance and relieve dryness that brings about wrinkles. The dollop of red wine that finishes off Penelope’s meals also reenergizes the body’s defense against pollutants with additional potent antioxidants. The diet of that region has been trusted traditionally to fully nourish the body and skin. Penelope Cruz is proof that it still works beautifully. There are no over the top beauty secrets here, no surgical procedures or far fetched concoctions, just a straight forward natural path to ageless vigor for the global muse that is Ms. Cruz. The internal care for the skin is done via a nutritious diet and externally with high quality products that resemble one’s diet. This is why Joanna Vargas also recommends her Rejuvenating Serum. This potent product has at its core Argan Oil, scientifically proven to correct age related deficiencies in skin that cause dehydration and loss of skin elasticity. This oil is rich in omega fatty acids and anti-oxidants, and is revered for its anti-aging properties. Finally start reaping the benefits of superior skin care today and stop wondering if you can have beautiful skin. Call for your appointments NOW at 212.949.2350 and if you are a first time client GET $50 off your first treatment. And if you are not in New York City get our natural skin care line reviewed excellently and used by our celebrities and women in the know. P.S Follow us on Facebook or Twitter and if you want essential skin care tips and tricks sign up to our newsletter, bottom of the page under in the box “Sign Up For Updates”.>>>