Noni Fruit Enriches Your Skin
Enriches Skin Morinda citrofolia, the noni fruit, is known by a variety of names in different countries and cultures. It looks like a potato-sized grenade – green, bumpy and hard. As it ripens, it turns yellowish – white color and it is quite odiferous. It will take more than a spoonful of sugar to make this medicine go down, but as many alternative practitioners, skin care specialist and their clients are discovering it is more than worth the effort to explore and experience the myriad benefits of this amazingly healing fruit.
Conventional medical researchers are studying noni fruit in the treatment of some cancers as it is believed to be able to retard the growth of tumors and to arrest the development of pre-cancerous cells. For two thousand years indigenous Pacific islanders have used every part of the tree - for staple food, medicine and dye. It was one of the most valued “plants” that ancient Polynesian explorers carried with them on their journeys settling the South Pacific islands. This tenacious tropical evergreen is able to thrive in almost any growing habitat from arid lava flows to brackish seaside, rivers, streams and forests and bears fruit year round. It can also be found in Central American countries like Nicaragua where it is touted for its potent health benefits. Traditionally, all of the plant was used to relieve a wide spectrum of maladies from skin conditions, joint and bone concerns, oral and dental problems, menstrual concerns to respiratory problems and as an overall tonic for the system. Noni is the cure-all fruit that enhances the skin’s health injecting deep medicinal hydration into epidermal tissue for youthful dazzle. Noni fruit is also a nutritious and beneficial food source - an acquired taste, I'm sure, but chockfull of nutrients including vitamin C, A, antioxidants, flavenoids, phytonutrients, potassium, alkaloids, carotenes, linoleic and amino acids. It is also high in fiber and carbohydrates. It is no wonder that those ancient explorers found this to be an indispensable asset. Drinking noni juice in its pure form is the best means of achieving the full benefits. It is most commonly sold mixed with other juices or can be taken as a tea or in capsule form. It has also proven to be as beneficial when applied topically. Ancient Polynesians used the analgesic and anti-bacterial properties to help heal and disinfect wounds. The anti-inflammatory components of the plant are proving to be useful in treating dry skin, eczema and acne. In the arid winter, with all its temperature fluctuations, this is great news for skin care. The use of noni can naturally improve the tone and appearance of the skin. It is indeed being successfully incorporated into soaps and skin creams. There are some precautions one should consider when using noni internally. Its high potassium content should be avoided by those suffering from any kidney ailments and as with most medicines and supplements, do consult your health care practitioner before using it. As topical skin care, noni fruit offers undeniable enrichment for the overall health of skin.]>>