Natural Home Remedies For Age Spots

Natural Home Remedies For Age Spots - Joanna Vargas
I remember returning from a Cancun trip one summer with the wake-up call that I could actually sunburn, with blisters to boot. My first thought was to reach for the tried and true aloe vera to soothe the intense burn that found my heated skin peeling not days later with no scarring. What was left in the wake of that vicious sunburn of another non-New York City sun, were age spots like a constellation of stars on my shoulders. Of course, I called them freckles endearingly. Visions of my grandmother’s face sprinkled with the brown spots, that also weren’t freckles, flooded my mind. I knew that I didn’t want to find my skin in the same age spot predicament. Now I know better to consider the best SPF sunscreen when I head out into sunny summer weather, to protect this fine canvas that is my skin from the elements. Otherwise, I can expect more age spots to grace my café au lait face, for shame. There are some simple natural remedies for age spots that range from the funky to the soothing for achieving age-defying healthy skin after your next brush with the solar orb called SUN. At the top of the unlikely list of skincare remedies, you’ll find that rubbing red onion directly to age spots before bed will rapidly fade the brown speckle menace. Then we have garlic juice that can be dabbed onto age spots with a cotton ball or q-tip swab to reduce the appearance of what’s none to be the archenemy of aging women everywhere. After performing this bedtime ritual for 3-4 weeks you will find your skin clear of age spots. Vinegar and olive oil combined are rumored to diminish those unsightly age spots as well. Castor oil is said to do wonders for minimizing age spots. Well, then it’s a matter of whether you want to deal with wreaking stench of any of these kitchen remedies. While we love some of these ingredients in a lovingly prepared meal, applying them to our skin is another matter to consider. If your stomach and nostrils can’t handle the thought of garlic or onions wafting through your nocturnal journey as they penetrate your pores, here are some other mild aroma ideas: Sandalwood mixed with rose water is a pleasant aromatic way to affectively treat age spots during daytime ventures. Rose water is a perfect toner that soothes skin, making it soft while giving a cool glow to your skin. Aloe vera has always been the most reliable way to treat burns of any kind. Since your skin is being burned by summer sun that ultimately leads to age spots, it makes sense that nutrient rich aloe vera should do the trick in combating age spots as is cools the skin after exposure to the sun. Lime juice has skin bleaching abilities when properly applied with a q-tip precision to age spots either before bed or for daytime use. Vitamin E is that potent elixir, a healthful skin guarantee that moisturizes and protects skin from free radicals while it erases the premature signs of aging that we associate with the appearance of age spots. Apparently buttermilk applied to the skin overnight also aids to disappearing age spots one by one. Try mixing dry organic buttermilk with olive oil to make a paste. Apply this buttery mixture to your skin as a mask to sit for an hour before bed. The end result is more youthful looking skin with radiance, age spot-free. Antropia Luna has a Bachelors of Fine Arts from Pratt Institute and a Masters degree in cultural anthropology from New Mexico State University--now writing health and wellness articles for Joanna Vargas Skincare Sanctuary in NYC and trekking the national museum scene freelance. ]>>