Is Organic Food Worth the Cost?

Organic foods cost more because organic farming is much more labor and management intensive. Organic farmers do not receive federal subsidies the way many conventional farmers do. The natural pesticides and pest control methods also cost more. In addition, natural fertilizers are much more costly than the chemical fertilizers used on conventional farms.
Environmental Benefits
Organic farming is better for the environment. It is a way of producing food without depending on non-renewable sources, while at the same time caring for wildlife. It does not depend on, and in fact, prohibits the use of artificial chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers. Instead, organic farmers use traditional agricultural methods such as crop rotation and planting a diverse range of crops in order to control pests naturally. In order to receive the "organic" label, the foods grown and products made from those foods are only allowed minimal processing with a small number of non-agricultural, yet natural ingredients. Therefore, these foods and products leave no artificial and chemical byproducts behind to pollute the environment.
Organic Farming and Human Health
Organic Farming is good for people. Did you know that your skin is the largest eliminatory organ in the body? Your skin can absorb the chemicals in the products you use. Educate yourself about the chemicals, toxins and hormones included in non-organic products. While organically grown raw foods nourish the body inside, organic personal care items nourish the body outside as well. Both are important in health management. Organochlorines are particularly dangerous chemicals found in pesticides. Women with high levels of these compounds in their blood samples are 4-10 times more likely to develop breast cancer. Always check labels to see what is actually going into the products and foods you are purchasing.
While some notice little difference between organic and conventional foods, others rave about the added flavor. Because organic foods contain no preservatives, they end up in local stores. This means that the food is fresher, and sometimes tastes better. Non-organic foods typically ride for days in a truck until reaching their destination. Farmers picked them green from the fields and then ripen them with chemicals on the way to their destination.
Tips for Buying Organic
Beware of products labeled "natural". While they may not include additives, preservatives or artificial ingredients, and while they may even be nutritious, these foods will most likely have been produced using pesticide laden ingredients. Natural foods are not regulated and do not meet the same criteria as organic foods.
Jessica Bosari writes about weight loss and nutrition at The site reviews the latest food research, sharing the information with dieters and helping them fit the information into their current diet plans.