How To Avoid Breakouts

How To Avoid Breakouts - Joanna Vargas

Getting a facial twice a year or even once a month won't help you much if you do not have, even a minimal, skincare routine. Your skin works in cycles and every 30 days or so, its brand new. You need to help it with two essential steps as described below. The first step is fundamental and just like breathing your skin needs it daily. You need to wash your face. The second is like doing a mini facial without ever stepping out of your house. Exfoliate Weekly at least once to twice a week.

joanna vargas facial NYC If you breakout it could be because of lifestyle, foods, stress or "horrifying" skincare like not washing your face. Ok, what's horrifying about not washing your face? Well... Practice Makes Perfect The perfect skin comes with a daily price and this is the secret to consistently clear skin. Wash your face every single night, and in the morning too if you tend to break out. This steps takes about a minute if you really take your time and you should. I can't stress enough how important this step is. Imagine walking through New York or any city and you are getting hit with all sorts of atmospheric pollutants, exhaust from cars, dirt etc. Add makeup and oil from your skin, the glue that holds it all together, and you have the perfect storm for acne and congested skin. Practicing this step daily will be the beginning of clean, and clear skin.

The Secret to Glowing Skin Use a gentle exfoliator, at least once a week, to exfoliate dead skin cells and the dullness that results from it. Doing this step regularly will decongest your pores, keeping them clear and making them look smaller. This simple step will help you avoid blackheads and acne. Additionally, this step evens out your skin tone, revealing fresh skin that has a healthy and natural glow to it. The end result is smoother, glowing skin, with less blemishes in just a few weeks. Don't overdo it though as you'll be over-stripping your skin.

The One, Two, Three Punch The two steps above are crucial as they prepare your skin for any other step. But if there is such a thing as icing on the cake then this is the step you need. Your skin benefits greatly when you use a moisturizer. The right moisturizer for your skin can be one that seals in moisture or creates a barrier between you and the elements. At nighttime, use a moisturizers that repairs or has ingredients that feed your skin. Nocturnally speaking this is when your skin repairs itself. And giving it the right elements will give you younger skin by the time you wake up in the morning. These steps are magic when done consistently and over time will give you perfect skin. If you have any questions please let me know. Lastly, I look forward to seeing you at the salon where you will be dazzled by how great your skin looks. Call NOW for your appointments at 212.949.2350. Sincerely, JOANNA VARGAS Joanna Vargas Skin Care.