Home Remedies for Acne That Actually Work

DailyMakeOver.com By Shannon Farrell Theres nothing worse than a new pimple that pops up the day before a big meeting or party. Dont have a spot treatment in your medicine cabinet? You dont need one. Joanna Vargas, celebrity facialist and founder of Joanna Vargas Salon and Skincare Collection, provided us with two home remedies for acne that you can use to zap pimples overnight. Yogurt
An at-home trick for pimples is to use yogurt dotted on a breakout to bring down inflammation and eliminate redness, says Vargas. You can even dot it on before bed and sleep in it if you have a big meeting in the morning and you want to look your best. Yogurt destroys bacteria from within the pores, and because it is naturally acidic, it draws oil from the surface of the skin. Apple Cider Vinegar Another home remedy Vargas recommends is raw apple cider vinegar because it promotes alkalinity in the body, which prevents and treats inflammation. Dab it on pimples or apply to entire face as needed to heal acne.]>>