Do I Have Sensitive Skin?

Do I Have Sensitive Skin? - Joanna Vargas
To make your appointments at Joanna Vargas Skin Care call 212.949.2350. Source: PopSugar By Maria Del Russo

How to Know, Once and For All, Whether You Have Sensitive Skin

f4cacda8250a0f78_sensitive.xxxlarge_1 Sensitive skin is a term that gets thrown around all too often. The truth is that most people who claim to have sensitive skin actually don't. "It's an overused phrase," says Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi, codirector of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington DC. "They For your appointments call NOW 212.949.2350 and don't forget to sign up for our rewards program and get up to 15% off on everything you buy that day.]>> <