Celery Juicing
Celery is, at first glance, one of the most boring vegetables. Relegated to garnishing platters of wings or acting as vessels for heaps of peanut butter during an after-school snack, celery often seems to get left behind. But did you know that celery is actually a superfood? Besides just being a light, refreshing snack, celery is also high in vitamins and minerals, and is anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and gut-friendly. Additionally, celery is packed with mineral salts, which can help boost digestion, absorption, and utilization of the food you eat for the rest of the day. As explained on Goop, there’s a difference between eating celery and drinking celery juice. When celery is juiced, the fibrous pulp is removed, making its healing benefits become “much more powerful and bioavailable, especially for those with chronic illnesses.” Juicing the celery also allows you to ingest significantly larger amounts of it than you would if you were eating it in its original form. Celery juice should be consumed immediately upon waking up, on an empty stomach, for maximum benefits. You may start to feel the positive changes in as little as seven days after starting your daily celery-juice habit, but you can continue drinking it for as long as you want. Start slowly with six to eight ounces and build up to 16 ounces from there. To make celery juice at home, rinse the celery and run it through a juicer. If you want to add a little more flavor, try blending your celery juice with a little bit of coconut water. Drink immediately for best results. No juicer? No problem! Simply chop the celery and blend it in a high-speed blender until smooth. Strain well and drink immediately. Celery juice not your thing? Click HERE for a list of other fun recipes for your morning juice or smoothie cleanse! Happy juicing!]>>