Best Spas In NYC: Lift, Firm And Rejuvenate Your Complexion

micro-current facials, have been beloved by insiders for decades, and they are finding a new set of fans every day.A few facts about this facial, it will lift, firm and rejuvenate your complexion without going under the knife. This type of facial delivers, via prongs, low levels of micro-current/1,000,000 of an amp (a light bulb runs on less than one ampere)-to stimulate the muscles of the face and neck. In fact this tiny trickle of electricity mimics your own bio-electrical output helping cells produce ATP- the fuel that powers them- by up to 500%. The results of micro-current facials are dramatic, more youthful, firmer skin, and best of all they are cumulative. The below article describes my 3 step signature microcurrent facial, the Triple Crown.

About Face: the facial you need to know about, right now

When I was offered the opportunity to receive a Triple Crown Facial with famed facialist Joanna Vargas, I was nothing short of ecstatic. After all, who wouldn't want their skin tended to by the much sought after hands that have soothed and sculpted the faces of Rachel Weisz, Sofia Coppola, Shalom Harlow and Zac Posen, just to name a few. I had long been curious about this legendary facial, rumored to leave even the sallowest of skin red carpet ready and glowing. So on a hot and sweaty NYC morning I jumped into a cab faster that you can say 'crows feet' and was off to see the wizard. As it turns out, Joanna is more goddess than wizard (although the work she does definitely qualifies her for wizard status). After stepping off the frenzied streets of midtown Manhattan, the Joanna Vargas Spa is a like a Xanax for the senses. A welcome change from the 'hot garbage' smell still assaulting my nose, the waiting room smelled like a heavenly blend of floral and citrus. The airy minimalist décor and soothing world music immediately calmed me, as did the warm and inviting reception staff. I have to admit, I was nervous about meeting Joanna. After all, she has worked on the impossibly symmetrical faces of Hollywood A-listers and supermodels alike. What would she think of my dehydrated, sun damaged skin? Would she be able to tell that I spent half the weekend in a sun-drenched pool chasing my toddler despite my best efforts to hide in the shade? Would she notice the telltale signs of last night's pinot on my tired face? I felt like I was about to be exposed, like in one of those scary dreams where you are about to give a speech in front of your entire high school class but realize that you just so happened to forget to put on clothes that morning. Much to my relief, the Joanna that came to greet me was a kind and gentle soul in a flowy dress whose soft voice immediately put me at ease. She ushered me into a bright and airy treatment room and the intoxicating floral-citrus smell followed me in as I slipped out of my clothes, into the towel wrap and onto the cozy treatment bed. Joanna floated in and with swift and gentle hands began cleansing my face with a pleasingly aromatic organic cleanser. I felt myself relax more with each stroke of her expert hands. Oh, did I mention that Joanna is incredibly authentic, relatable, and impossibly cool? I'm talking the kind of cool that you can't fake. The kind that you either inherently have or don't have. Like rock star cool. But I digress, lets get back to the facial. After the cleansing, a gentle round of microdermabrasion removed any leftover surface junk and prepped my skin for the next step, the micro-current portion of the facial. Now before I continue, I must tell you that I am of the school of 'If I don't hurt, then it ain't workin' when it comes to facials. I am the sicko that enjoys all things that burn, tingle, scrape, squeeze and HURT (ahem, I am referring to facials only) because I have always equated pain with efficacy. So when I heard that the Triple Crown Facial included something called micro-current, I was totally psyched because it sounded medieval and torturous. Surprisingly, when Joanna began administering the micro-current, there was nothing more than a faint tingle. But let me tell you, the results are dramatic. First a brief explanation of micro-current: It's a mild electrical current discovered in 1830 by a physician who used it as a form of therapy for wounds, soft tissue and bone fractures because of its ability to heal the body at a rate of 250% to 350% faster than someone not using it. Later, a physician treating patients for facial paralysis associated with Bell's palsy accidentally discovered that the faces of his patients were smoother and younger looking after treatments. As a result micro-current became integrated into the field of aesthetics. Clients of Joanna can now reap the benefits of this discovery, as micro-current provides a fresh and revitalized appearance, activates the skin, enhancing elasticity, correcting pigmentation, and aiding in lymphatic drainage. This all equates to skin that is left looking incredibly sculpted (oh hello cheekbones), glowing, and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It's essentially a non-surgical facelift. In fact, Joanna stopped after doing one side of my face and instructed me to look in the mirror. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The treated side of my face was significantly more taught and less puffy than the untreated side. Even the jaw line on the treated side was noticeably more pronounced. I couldn't believe what had been achieved without any pain and we weren't even close to finished with the facial yet! The final phase of the facial included a stream of pure oxygen that not only felt utterly divine, but left my skin impossibly dewy, plumped and hydrated. When Joanna ended the facial by artfully massaging on a series of silky, antioxidant infused serums and lotions, it became apparent where that heavenly smell had been emanating from the whole time. Sublime is the only word that describes the smell and feel of the delicious potions from Joanna's skincare line. The Triple Crown facial is the perfect fusion of cutting edge technology and organic skincare, mirroring Joanna's own holistic approach to skin health. I highly recommend this facial to anyone looking for an alternative to needles and fillers but who also wants to achieve an ageless look and firm, glowing skin. My skin was noticeably firmer, brighter, and softer in the days following my treatment, and this was without any downtime or pain. Après Triple Crown Facial was the first time since eight grade that I went outside without concealer (ask those close to me and they can attest to this. So can my obstetrician who noticed I had stopped to put on concealer when I was six centimeters dilated and in labor with my son). The beautiful thing (besides my skin hehe) is that the results are immediate, thus satisfying the instant gratification junkie in all of us, and they're also cumulative and can be maintained and enhanced with subsequent treatments. Easily one of the best facials in Manhattan! To make your appointments at Joanna Vargas Salon, Skin Care Sanctuary in NYC or to shop for the best skincare products, call 212.949.2350.]>>