10 Top Benefits of Massage for Your Skin

10 Top Benefits of Massage for Your Skin - Joanna Vargas
skilled massage therapist you could experience significant health benefits and probably be one of the most effective, safe and natural ways to treat mental and physical ailments, such as stress, pain, anxiety and depression. massage therapy The Spa by Joanna Vargas at the Sunset Tower Hotel in West Hollywood has added this invaluable treatment to her services. Ms. Vargas wanted to provide another means by which you could achieve healthier skin. Massage therapy can be implemented to relieve certain lifestyle stress, muscle and nerve pain to ultimately achieve, healthier, younger looking skin. Here are the top benefits of massage for your skin: Increased Blood Flow The loosening of the muscles and other soft tissue just beneath the skin allows your blood to make its way to your skin easier. This has several benefits. Your skin takes on a healthy glow as the capillaries fill with blood. Nutrients in the blood have an easier time nourishing skin cells. This nourishment allows the skin to return to its former regenerative state, making it retain moisture easier and replace the older skin cells with newer, healthier ones. Helps with Dead Cells The massaging of the skin creates friction that eliminates the appearance of dullness that is caused from dead skin cells. . As the fresh cells beneath take their place, your skin begins to glow as it soaks up the essential vitamins that can now reach it easier. This then creates a cycle where the skin has an easier time regenerating new cells. Impurities Removed Gland production is improved with massage. This allows your glands to empty of impurities and they are eliminated through sweating. Uric acid and other unhealthy elements in the blood stream find their way through your pores, opening them as built up oils are pushed out and away. Your skin becomes healthy and more youthful-looking. Benefits of massage therapy can often be seen after your very first visit. Making it a regular part of your health routine will not only have your skin in the best condition it can be, but pain and stress will also be reduced. Overall you won't just look healthier, you will feel healthier. Reducing Tension Massage helps with improving blood circulation in the body, effectively helping to reduce tension in the skin as well as the adjoining tissues. Also, massage helps in improving the nutrition of the skin. Re-moisturize and Softening Skin Another great benefit of this practice is that it helps in exfoliating dead cells from the skin. This results in skin that is re-moisturized, hydrated, smooth and feels nourished. Besides the texture of the skin, the organ will also look healthy and vibrant. Enhance Resistance to Infection With the exposure of the skin to different substances and compounds, the chances are high that you can easily develop skin infections and diseases. Massage not only results in the healthy-looking skin but also fosters the skin’s resistance to infections. Increased Production of Sweat While this may seem unimportant, increased production of sweat from your sweat glands helps in excreting waste products through the skin. If the wastes were to accumulate underneath the skin layers, this would pose serious health risks and result in discomfort. Moreover, massage therapy assists in achieving increased skin gland production. Realigned Scar Tissue After Surgery After undergoing surgery, the scar manifests by rising above the rest of the skin. Massage helps to realign scar tissue, resulting in the scar lying down neatly at the skin level. Similarly, massage therapy helps in reducing pain and itching. Better Skin Color and Tone Improved blood circulation to the skin encourages the dilation of capillaries. The resulting benefit of dilated capillaries is improved skin color and tone. Refresh Stress wreaks havoc on the skin. Many people turn to massage therapy to fight the effects of stress and time on the skin. The skin is a huge organ, so when it looks and feels run down, it is easy to let negative feelings sneak in. Recap Massage therapy can help rejuvenate tired skin and bodies. Improved circulation has a number of positive benefits. After a massage, the skin appears smoother and feels firmer. The symptoms of a wide variety of skin issues can be alleviated to differing degrees with the right specialized massage techniques. Whether you go for the relaxation, the physical benefits, or a combination of the two, massage therapy can be just what you need at the end of a long week. To make your appointments at the Spa by Joanna Vargas at the Sunset Tower Hotel in West Hollywood please call (310) 424-5141 or email us at jvla@joannavargas.com. ]>>